Adblue in Diesel Tank

What Happens When You Put AdBlue in Diesel Tank: A Comprehensive Guide

Accidentally putting the wrong fluid in your car's fuel tank is a mistake that can lead to serious problems, particularly when put AdBlue in diesel tank. This article delves into the consequences of such a mishap, the immediate steps you should take to mitigate potential damage, and how seeking professional help can save your vehicle from severe long-term issues. Misfuel Direct provides expert advice and services for such situations, underscoring the critical nature of addressing the problem swiftly and effectively.

Understanding AdBlue and Its Purpose

Before diving into the ramifications of mixing AdBlue with diesel, it's crucial to understand what AdBlue is and its role in diesel-operated vehicles. AdBlue, a solution comprised of urea and deionized water, is used to reduce harmful emissions from diesel engines. It operates within a separate system, the Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) technology, to convert nitrogen oxide emissions into nitrogen and water vapor, significantly reducing the environmental impact of diesel engines.

The Consequences of Mixing AdBlue and Diesel

Immediate Engine and Fuel System Damage

The put AdBlue in diesel tank mistake can cause immediate and severe damage to the engine, fuel lines, and injectors. AdBlue is not designed to combust like diesel; therefore, when it enters the diesel fuel system, it can lead to clogging and corrosion of fuel components. This is because the urea solution can crystallize and solidify within the fuel system, leading to blockages and potential failure of the fuel injectors and fuel pump. The presence of AdBlue in the diesel tank also dilutes the fuel's lubricating properties, increasing friction and wear on the engine components.

Potential for Long-Term Damage

Even a small amount of AdBlue can cause significant damage if not addressed immediately. The crystallization process can start as soon as AdBlue mixes with diesel, potentially leading to widespread damage throughout the fuel system. If the vehicle is started and the contaminated fuel circulates through the engine, the cost and complexity of repairs can skyrocket, with the potential for complete engine failure.

Immediate Steps to Take If You Put AdBlue in Diesel Tank

  1. Do Not Start the Engine: This cannot be stressed enough. Starting the engine can circulate the contaminated fuel throughout the system, exacerbating the damage.
  2. Disconnect the Battery: To prevent any accidental ignition or pump activation that could circulate the AdBlue-contaminated diesel.
  3. Call for Professional Assistance: Contacting professionals like Misfuel Direct immediately can mean the difference between a simple fix and extensive, costly repairs.

Seeking Professional Help

Misfuel Direct specializes in addressing and rectifying fuel contamination issues. Their expertise is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Preventing Further Damage: They can safely remove the contaminated fuel from the tank without risking further damage to the vehicle.
  2. System Check and Cleanup: Professionals will not only remove the AdBlue from the diesel tank but also check for any signs of damage or remaining residues within the fuel system.
  3. Advice and Prevention: Beyond immediate assistance, professionals can offer valuable advice on how to avoid similar mishaps in the future and recommend any necessary follow-up actions or checks to ensure the vehicle remains in good condition.


Accidentally adding AdBlue to a diesel tank can have serious ramifications for your vehicle. The key to minimizing damage lies in swift action and professional intervention. By understanding the potential harm and knowing the immediate steps to take, you can prevent a simple mistake from turning into a costly ordeal. Always remember, in situations like these, it's better to be cautious and seek professional help from services like Misfuel Direct to ensure your vehicle is treated with the care and expertise it deserves. For detailed advice and solutions, visiting their website directly can provide you with the assistance you need to address this issue effectively.

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